
Task: Describe the graph in detail.

Preparation time: 25 seconds

Answer time: 40 seconds

Exam questions: 3 – 4

Exam guidance:

DI is a simple and direct question type. You can describe the image in any way you want as long as it’s relevant to the image. You can discuss the relationships, items, names, or conclusions. Select keywords or phrases from various parts of the graph.

What makes the biggest difference in grades is usually not what you say, but how smoothly and clearly you say it. So, focus on speaking clearly and fluently.

Answer time

Even though you have a maximum of 40 seconds to speak, you don’t have to use it all. It is sufficient to use 25 to 30 seconds. If you speak for too long and have not completed your sentence when the 40-second timer expires, you will be penalized in fluency.

You can practice Describe Image questions on the OnePTE app on Android or iOS, or on our website too.