In the dynamic realm of language proficiency tests, the PTE Academic exam stands out as a rigorous assessment of one’s ability to comprehend and summarize spoken content. Among its challenging sections, the PTE Summarize Spoken Text requires not just linguistic prowess but also strategic thinking. This article delves into proven templates and strategic approaches for achieving high scores.

Understanding PTE Summarize Spoken Text Task

What is PTE Summarize Spoken Text?

Understanding the task format is essential for success. The PTE Summarize Spoken Text typically involves a recording of around 60-90 seconds. Test-takers are then given 10 minutes to write a summary of 50-70 words. Mastery of concise expression is key. 

PTE’s Summarize Spoken Text task evaluates your listening and writing skill. The audio automatically plays, allowing only a single listening opportunity. Recordings are 60 to 90 seconds long, with 1 to 2 questions in the actual exam. You have a fixed 10-minute timeframe per Summarize Spoken Text question. Efficient time management is crucial to produce the best response within the allocated time. Any saved time on one question won’t be carried over to others.

PTE Summarize Spoken Text Summary
PTE Task Listening Task
Skills assessed:Listening & Writing
Audio Length: 60 to 90 seconds
No of Questions: 1 to 2 tasks in the test
Time:10 minutes per question
Scoring Criteria:Content, Form, Grammar, Vocabulary & Spelling

How does PTE Summarize Spoken Text Scoring?

Understanding the scoring methodology is pivotal for mastering any section of the PTE exam. This segment evaluates a candidate’s ability to comprehend spoken English and present a concise and coherent summary. Scores are allocated based on content, form, and language use. Let’s break down these components.


Content is king, even in the PTE Summarize Spoken Text section. Examinees are evaluated on how well they grasp the key points and main ideas presented in the spoken text. Clarity, relevance, and conciseness are paramount in achieving a high score.


The form refers to the structure of the summary. Test-takers are assessed on their ability to organize information logically, ensuring a smooth and coherent flow. A well-structured summary enhances the overall effectiveness of the response.

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Spelling

Language proficiency is a cornerstone of the PTE Academic exam. In the Summarize Spoken Text section, correct grammar usage, a rich vocabulary, and accurate spelling contribute significantly to the overall score. Attention to detail matters.

Also Read: PTE Retell Lecture Template To Ace Your Speaking Test

PTE Summarize Spoken Text Templates

Templates can be invaluable tools for crafting well-structured summaries. Consider incorporating the following template into your response:

PTE SST Template

Introduction: The lecture was mainly about ____.

Body: Then the speaker talked about ____  and ____. Furthermore, ____ and ____  were also mentioned in the lecture. Moreover, the lecturer also stated such words as ___. Additionally, the narrator also discussed ____. 

Conclusion: Overall, the lecture suggested highlighting the facts about  ___.

Tips for Using SST Template:

  • You will hear an audio which will go for around 40-90 seconds.
  • While the audio starts, you have to make as many notes as you can.
  • Write important notes, dates, places, things, technical terms and quotes
  • Write keywords which make sense. Try to write keywords which are nouns or adjective+nouns.
  • For implementing the template one should be concerned about the quality of words, parts of speech, sentence and tense structure.

PTE Summarize Spoken Text Sample Questions and Answers 

Here are some examples from OnePTE’s ‘Summarize Spoken Text’ section. You can practice in OnePTE for free.

PTE summarize spoken text practice questions 1

Sonic Boom‘ (type ‘Sonic Boom’ in the search bar of the ‘SST’ section for practicing)

Audio Transcript:

Let’s explore how an aircraft’s size and altitude impact the strength and duration of the sonic boom. The sonic boom arises from changes in air-flow patterns around the edges of an aircraft when it surpasses the speed of sound, roughly 768 miles per hour, generating shock waves that propagate in all directions and produce the sonic boom upon reaching the ground.

In general, larger aircraft produce more substantial shock waves, resulting in longer-lasting sonic booms. The smallest supersonic aircraft generates a brief one-twentieth-of-a-second boom, while the largest supersonic plane produces a tenfold longer boom, lasting half a second. Nevertheless, two aircraft of the same size flying at different altitudes will produce sonic booms of varying intensities.

A higher-flying aircraft will generate a less forceful sonic boom at ground level, as the shock waves must travel a greater distance before reaching the ground, allowing them more time to dissipate. Additionally, the boom from the high-altitude plane will be audible over a wider geographical area, as the shock waves spread and increase their affected radius during descent. Fortunately, even the most powerful sonic booms are not harmful to individuals, although they can cause damage to plaster walls and break windows.

We can list down all the keywords this way-

  • sonic boom
  • air-flow patterns
  • speed 
  • sound
  • shock waves
  • two aircraft
  • Longer-lasting boom
  • intensities
  • geographical area
  • plaster walls
  • break windows

N.B: Select the best one from there which suited the most in the structure


The lecture was mainly about the sonic boom. Then the speaker talked about their air-flow patterns  and speed. Furthermore, Shock waves and their sound were also mentioned in the lecture. Moreover, the lecturer also stated such words as their longer lasting boom and two aircraft. Additionally, the narrator also discussed their intensities. Overall, the lecture suggested highlighting the facts about their geographical area.

PTE summarize spoken text practice questions 2

Global Well-Being‘ (type ‘Global Well-Being’ in the search bar of the ‘SST’ section for practicing)

Audio Transcript:

Happiness economics plays a crucial role in unraveling intricate questions surrounding well-being, offering insights that extend beyond traditional economic metrics. Despite early skepticism about relying on surveys to gauge happiness, growing confidence is grounded in the discovery of remarkably consistent patterns across large and diverse samples of people globally. Factors such as income, health, marital and employment status exhibit surprising uniformity in their impact on happiness across countries and over time. Understanding these foundational elements allows for a deeper exploration into how other, more nuanced factors influence well-being, including the environment, societal equality, institutional structures, and myriad elements that significantly shape individuals’ overall life satisfaction. By deciphering the intricate interplay of these diverse elements, happiness economics emerges as a valuable tool in understanding the multifaceted nature of human well-being on a global scale.

We can list down all the keywords this way-

  • Happiness 
  • questions 
  • skepticism 
  • surveys 
  • patterns 
  • samples 
  • people 
  • Factors 
  • income
  • health
  • marital 
  • employment status
  • countries 
  • Wellbeing
  • societal equality
  • life satisfaction

N.B: Select the best one from there which suited the most in the structure


The lecture was mainly about people’s happiness. Then the speaker talked about their health and marital status. Furthermore, Their income  and wellbeing were also mentioned in the lecture. Moreover, the lecturer also stated such words as their skepticism and life satisfaction. Additionally, the narrator also discussed their patterns. Overall, the lecture suggested highlighting the facts about their factors.

Also Read: PTE Describe Image Template and Strategies to Achieve High Score

PTE summarize spoken text practice questions 3

Aquatic Energy(type ‘Aquatic Energy’ in the search bar of the ‘SST’ section for practicing)

Audio Transcript:

Most of our Earth is covered in water, about 71%! We can use some of this water to make energy. There are two common ways to do this: hydropower and tidal power. Hydropower comes from water that falls or flows. The moving water spins a machine called a turbine, which is linked to a generator that makes electricity. Hydropower is the most popular kind of clean energy. Tidal power uses the natural up and down movement of the ocean’s tides to make electricity. This is done with different tools like fences, garages, and turbines. There’s also wave power, which catches energy from waves on the surface of the ocean using a special floating device. Getting energy from water is called renewable energy. It works with the Earth’s water cycle and the pull of gravity to create electricity. This type of energy doesn’t release harmful gases or air pollution. However, some ways of getting water energy can have a bad impact on the environment, especially in terms of land use. Water is also used a lot in making energy. For example, we use water to make steam for power, cool nuclear plants, get and process fossil fuels, and water biofuel crops.

We can list down all the keywords this way-

  • Earth 
  • water
  • energy
  • hydropower 
  • turbine
  • electricity
  • Tidal power
  • wave power
  • ocean 
  • renewable energy
  •  Earth’s water cycle
  • gravity 
  • air pollution
  • environment
  • nuclear plants

N.B: Select the best one from there which suited the most in the structure


The lecture was mainly about water. Then the speaker talked about their earth and power.. Furthermore, hydropower and tidal power were also mentioned in the lecture. Moreover, the lecturer also stated such words as their electricity and turbine. Additionally, the narrator also discussed their renewable energy. Overall, the lecture suggested highlighting the facts about their earth’s water cycle.

Another PTE SST Template:

For better results try to write down around 6-7 broken sentences, phrases and groups of words. Thus you can use this template:

The audio lecture was mainly about ____ . The first crucial aspect / signigicant point discussed in the lecture was _<sentence 1/phrase 1>_. Then the speaker also mentioned that _<sentence 2/phrase 2>_. Furthermore, the lecturer also emphasized important information about _(<sentence 3/phrase 3>_.Finally, the lecture concluded that _(<sentence 4/phrase 4>_.

PTE Summarize Spoken Text Tips & Strategies

Navigating the challenges of the PTE Summarize Spoken Text requires a strategic approach. Here are some tips and strategies to enhance your performance:

Active Listening

Before summarizing, listen actively. Focus on the main ideas and supporting details. Familiarize yourself with the speaker’s tone, pace, and emphasis.


Jot down key points while listening. Organize your notes in a way that facilitates easy summarization later. This step acts as a roadmap for your summary.

Time Management

Effective time management is crucial. Allocate sufficient time for listening, note-taking, and summarizing. Practice pacing yourself to ensure completion within the given timeframe.

Mastering the PTE Summarize Spoken Text section requires a combination of active listening, strategic thinking, and linguistic finesse. By understanding the scoring criteria, implementing effective strategies, and utilizing templates, you can significantly boost your chances of achieving a high score in PTE exam.