One of the tricky tasks in the PTE Reading section is the Reorder Paragraph question. It checks if you can grasp the logical flow of information and sequence sentences correctly. This guide will give you helpful strategies, practice tips, and detailed examples to boost your confidence and help you excel in this task.

What is Reorder Paragraph in PTE Test?

re order paragraph pte

In the PTE Reorder Paragraph task, you’ll get a bunch of sentences all mixed up. Your job is to sort them out into a clear and logical paragraph. This task helps you show off how well you can spot the flow of ideas, see how sentences link together, and understand the overall structure.


  • [A] Polar bears are facing threats from climate change.
  • [B] As the ice melts, they are losing their natural habitat.
  • [C] Consequently, they are finding it harder to hunt for food.
  • [D] This has led to a decline in their population.

Correct Order: A-B-D-C

Importance of PTE Reading Practice

practice reorder paragraph pte

Why Practice is Essential

Regular PTE reading practice helps you get familiar with the types of questions and the test format. It also improves your reading speed and comprehension skills.

Benefits of Practice Tests

Doing PTE reading mock tests and pte reorder paragraph practice tests simulates the real test environment, helping you manage your time effectively and reduce test anxiety.

Effective Strategies for Reorder Paragraph

reorder paragraph pte tips

Identifying the Topic Sentence

The topic sentence usually kicks off the main idea of the paragraph. It often stands alone and doesn’t logically follow another sentence.


  • [A] Water pollution is a serious environmental issue.
  • [B] Many industries dump waste into rivers and oceans.
  • [C] This leads to the destruction of aquatic ecosystems.
  • [D] Efforts are being made to reduce this pollution.

Topic Sentence: A

Recognizing Logical Flow

Look for sentences that naturally follow one another. These often include transitional words or phrases that indicate a sequence.


  • [A] First, the seeds are planted in moist soil.
  • [B] After a few days, sprouts begin to appear.
  • [C] Over time, these sprouts grow into mature plants.
  • [D] Finally, the plants bear fruit which can be harvested.

Correct Order: A-B-C-D

Using Transition Words

Transition words like “however,” “therefore,” “moreover,” and “consequently” are great for connecting the dots between sentences.


  • [A] The company faced numerous challenges.
  • [B] However, they managed to overcome them with innovative solutions.
  • [C] Therefore, they achieved remarkable growth.
  • [D] Consequently, they became a market leader.

Correct Order: A-B-D-C

Understanding Cause and Effect

Look for sentences showing cause and effect relationships. These often give clues to the correct sequence.


  • [A] Due to heavy rainfall, many areas were flooded.
  • [B] As a result, several people were evacuated from their homes.
  • [C] The government provided emergency shelters for the displaced.
  • [D] This prompt response helped prevent a humanitarian crisis.

Correct Order: A-B-C-D

PTE Reorder Paragraph Tips for Success

reorder paragraph pte tips

Time Management

Make sure to manage your time smartly during the test. Spend a few seconds figuring out the topic sentence and then focus on arranging the rest.

Example: Use 30 seconds to spot the topic sentence, then take the next 2-3 minutes to organize the other sentences.

Practice Regularly

Make daily PTE reading practice a part of your routine. Mix it up with different resources like PTE reading practice tests and mock tests to keep things interesting.

Example: Spend 20 minutes each day practicing Reorder Paragraph from various sources to sharpen your skills.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Ignoring Keywords and Phrases

Don’t miss out on key words and phrases that help link sentences together.

Example: Words like “subsequently,” “following,” and “in addition” usually point to the right sequence of sentences.

Overlooking Context

Always think about the context to get the logical order of the sentences.

Example: If you’re looking at a process, make sure to follow the steps in the right chronological order.

Using PTE Reading Practice Tests

Finding Good Sources

Make sure you use reputable sources for PTE reading practice tests. This way, you’ll be practicing with top-notch materials.

Analyzing Your Results

Go over your practice test results to spot patterns in your mistakes. Focus on fixing these areas in your next practice sessions.

Example: If you often struggle with identifying topic sentences, spend extra time practicing this skill.

Advanced Tips for Mastering Reorder Paragraph

Pay Attention to First and Last Sentences

The first and last sentences of a paragraph usually give hints about the structure and flow.

Example: The first sentence might introduce the main idea, while the last one might wrap up the paragraph or lead into the next topic.

Look for Repeated Keywords

Repeated keywords or phrases can help you figure out which sentences go together.

Example: If two sentences mention “climate change,” they probably belong next to each other.

Practice Like It’s the Real Test

Try practicing under exam conditions by timing yourself. This builds endurance and helps you manage your time better during the actual test.

Example: Set a timer for 10 minutes and practice reorder paragraph pte to get used to the pressure.


As we’ve talked about, re order paragraph pte needs a strategic approach and a good sense of logical sequencing. By using the tips and tricks in this post, you can boost your skills and improve your chances of doing well in the PTE Reading section. Just keep practicing and stay focused.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the Re order Paragraph task in the PTE Reading section?

This one’s all about explaining the basics of the Reorder Paragraph task, why it’s in the PTE exam, and what it’s for.

How are Re order Paragraph scored in the PTE exam? 

Here, we dive into how you earn points by correctly ordering Paragraph and what the scoring looks like.

What strategies can I use to approach Reorder Paragraph effectively?

We’ve got some tips and tricks here to help you confidently tackle Reorder Paragraph questions.

What should I do if I’m unsure about the correct sequence of sentences?

Don’t worry! This question covers strategies for making educated guesses and ruling out wrong options when you’re not sure.

How can I get better at understanding the logical flow of ideas in Reorder Paragraph questions? 

Let’s focus on boosting your skills in identifying and sequencing logical ideas in text.

Any common pitfalls to avoid in Reorder Paragraph questions? 

Here we can chat about the usual mistakes people make and share some tips to steer clear of them during the exam.

Is there a recommended order to tackle Reorder Paragraph questions during the PTE exam? 

Let’s discuss some strategies on how to manage your time and effort effectively while handling these questions within the exam timeframe.

How can I practice Reorder Paragraph questions to prepare for the PTE exam? 

We’ll cover some useful resources and methods for effective practice that mimic real exam conditions.

How important is it to review and revise my Reordered Paragraph before submitting in the PTE exam? 

We’ll highlight why it’s crucial to review your responses for coherence and correctness before hitting submit.