Achieving a high score in the PTE Academic test requires a comprehensive understanding of each module, and one such critical component is the Describe Image task. In this article, we will delve into effective strategies and describe image template to master the PTE test, ensuring you are well-prepared to showcase your skills and secure a high score in the PTE speaking test.

What does PTE describe image tasks mean?

In the PTE speaking test, Describe Image is a test of one’s ability to verbally convey information derived from visual content. In the test you will see  an image, such as a graph, chart, or map, and are required to articulate the details in a cohesive and structured manner. This section serves as a vital indicator of your speaking skills, emphasizing the importance of clarity, coherence, and conciseness.

PTE Describe Image Format and Scoring Guide

Understanding the format of the Describe Image section is essential for success. Describe image test is a significant section for a PTE test speaking module. Its scoring criteria include fluency, pronunciation, content, and oral discourse. A well-structured and articulate response is key to achieving a high score. Typically, you will have 25 seconds to observe the image before the microphone opens for 40 seconds of response time. There are 3 to 4 such questions in the Pearson academic test.

Types of Describe Image Questions

There are different types of describe image question usually show in a PTE academic test:

  • Bar Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Table
  • Flow Chart
  • Map
  • Mixed Chart
  • Picture etc.

PTE Describe Image Template

To navigate this speaking section effectively, having a template is invaluable. A well-structured template helps organize thoughts and ensures that key elements are covered in the response. Utilizing a template provides a roadmap for delivering a coherent and comprehensive image description.  I will give one describe image format for answering all the questions you get in the test. You can use this tested Describe Image template to ace your PTE test.

Also Read: PTE Retell Lecture Template To Ace Your Speaking Test

Tested Describe Image Format:

Tips for using templates:

  • Pick the title of the image
  • Pick at least 7-8 keywords from the image
  • Make sure you speak clearly and fluently, do not stop or rush and avoid hesitations
  • Any word you find difficult to speak should be skipped
  • If you find long keywords, you can divide them into multiple short keywords
  • If you find very few keywords in the image you can repeat the keywords to describe the image.

PTE Describe Image Sample Answer

Here are some examples from OnePTE’s ‘Describe Image’ section. You can practice in OnePTE for free.

PTE Describe Image Practice Question Answer-1

Graph 1: Production of Diamond‘ (type ‘Production of Diamond in the search bar of the ‘Describe Image’ section for practicing)

PTE describe image questions answer


The given picture gives information about diamond production. It is a very beautiful picture and has many different elements.

This image is about diamond, production and value

Also about South Africa, Canada  and Russia.

And also about Canada and others

I can see one element is maximum and one is minimum. Overall the picture is very informative. Thank you so much.

PTE Describe Image Template Practice Question Answer-2

Graph 2: ‘Monthly Sales‘ (type ‘Monthly Sales’ in the search bar of the ‘Describe Image’ section for practicing)

PTE describe image practice  about monthly sales


The given picture gives information about sales. It is a very beautiful picture and has many different elements.

This image is about Units sold and Total transaction. 

Also about  January, February and March.

And also about April and May

And also about 20, 40

I can see one element is maximum and one is minimum. Overall the picture is very informative. Thank you so much.

Also Read: Best PTE Essay Writing Template For Full Score

PTE Describe Image Practice Question Answer-3

Graph 3: ‘Forest Carbon‘ (type ‘Forest Carbon’ in the search bar of the ‘Describe Image’ section for practicing)

PTE describe image practice about tree image


The given picture gives information about UK forest carbon. It is a very beautiful picture and has many different elements.

This image is about trees and leaves. 

Also about soil, roots and dead wood.

And also about 17%,5%, 6%

I can see one element is maximum and one is minimum. Overall the picture is very informative. Thank you so much.

PTE Describe Image Practice Question Answer-4

Graph 4: ‘Temperature and CO2 Levels’ (type ‘Temperature and CO2 Levels’ in the search bar of the ‘Describe Image’ section for practicing)

PTE describe image practice about temperature


The given picture gives information about temperature and carbon dioxide levels. It is a very beautiful picture and has many different elements.

This image is about carbon dioxide concentration and temperature.

Also about 1 degree, 7 degree and 4 degree celsius

And also about 250 and 300

Also about 1960 and 65

I can see one element is maximum and one is minimum. Overall the picture is very informative. Thank you so much.

PTE Describe Image Template Practice Question Answer-5

Graph 5:  ‘Wheelchair Details‘ (type ‘Wheelchair Details’ in the search bar of the ‘Wheelchair Details’ section for practicing)

Describe image practice questions


The given picture gives information about a wheelchair. It is a very beautiful picture and has many different elements.

This image is about a man and an old woman.

Also about green trees and grass.

And also about the lawn and blue sky.

I can see one element is maximum and one is minimum. Overall the picture is very informative. Thank you so much.

PTE Describe Image Practice

Practice makes perfect, and the Describe Image section is no exception. Engage in regular practice using a variety of images to hone your skills. OnePTE is an online platform that offers practice materials and simulated tests, allowing you to familiarize yourself with different image types and refine your response strategies for PTE exam.

In conclusion, excelling in the PTE Describe Image task requires a combination of strategic approaches, effective describe image templates, and consistent practice. By mastering this aspect of the speaking module, you enhance your overall performance, increasing the likelihood of achieving a high PTE score.