
This is the fourth question type in the PTE Core exam’s “Speaking & Writing” section. You’ll read a text of about 60 words and listen to an audio of it. You get 20 seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to record your answer. You only record your answer once, and there are usually 2-4 sub-questions.


1. Use the 20 seconds to read the prompt carefully and decide what main points you want to talk about and whether to be formal or casual.

2. During the 40 seconds to speak, make sure you have covered everything the prompt has asked for.

3. Try to speak the whole time to get the highest score.

4. Please follow these-

  1. Do not repeat things.
  2. Do not correct yourself.
  3. Do not pause too much because that wastes time and might lose points.

5. Keep speaking with confidence and don’t worry about small mistakes.

Answer Time

You have 40 seconds to answer each RTS question in the test, but 30-35 seconds is usually enough.